Three Devs and a Maybe

Weekly(ish) podcast on all things software development.

The Full House

Apologies for Edd’s awful audio echo this week, serves him right for trying to bring sound-drops to the podcast. On the first full host podcast of the year we start of discussion with what Fraser has been up to these past couple of months, his exciting new job promotion and how he is enjoying development. We then move on to chat about some Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban Boards and Sprints), Babel/Webpack and the release of Space Beer Cave into the iTunes App Store. Lewis then brings up his recent exploration into TDD, followed by Mick’s look into OAuth 2 and pains with the PostgreSQL query planner. Finally, we chat about logging and debugging errors which occur in production, and how burnout and technical debt can be similarly compared.

Competition: With the release of Space Beer Cave into the iTunes App Store, Fraser has decided to make another competition for the highest score that is screen-shot and tweeted to our podcast account. The winner will receive their very own Three Devs and a Maybe t-shirt! the competition ends on the 4th March.