Working Remotely with Justin DeLucia
On this weeks episode we are lucky to be joined by good friend of the show Justin DeLucia. We start off discussion with what Fraser has been up-to recently, porting a code-base over to Webpack and experimenting with VR headsets. This leads us on to chat about Justin’s recent move to Wales, reflecting on his experiences working remotely, the value of communication and how he now handles clients. Finally, Justin then highlights the differences in work and web cultures in his new surroundings and the pros n’ cons he has faced since moving away from the office setting.
Show Links
- Derek Morr’s comment on Types vs. Tests
- Amanda Laucher - Types vs. Tests
- Total boss @miley_robert sporting his @3DevsAndAMaybe t-shirt in space… Like a total boss.
- webpack module bundler
- SurviveJS
- Vive
- Oculus
- Fraser making a Sandwich
- Job Simulator
- Giphy on Slack
- Boom - Mac Volume Booster, Advanced Equalizers & Audio Effects
- Worms
- Dota
- Ellie Williams